Day 8... Embrace the Randomness

Today I woke up still not feeling right and pretty soon made the decision that it would be silly to head up the mountain in this condition.  I tried to figure out if it was a cop out?? My own head winning the battle against me. I decided not in the end... I could have headed out this morning and not got very far, or had another days rest, hopefully kept some food in my stomach long enough for benefits to be had and set out tomorrow with renewed purpose and vigour. Going With The CraZy usually involves a sensible decision or two along the way. I had just swapped suffering on the bike for a different form.

I did however decide to risk being away from the 'safety' of my room and have a quick look at the famed markets of Otavalo along with the square that the hotel receptionist had ringed on my map.

As I walked towards the street markets, I had already decided I liked Otavalo the most so far... not touristy and not too city like, waay more chilled than Ibarra or Quito. Ibarra seemed full of bustle and noise and perhaps because the PanAm highway ran around Otavalo, rather than through it, it did not seem as smelly or diesel fumed either.

Many of the men and women were dressed in a more traditional dress here, some perhaps with more of a Peruvian look.  The embroidered blouses were pretty and the men wearing cowboy like hats.
The market was basically throughout the streets and as I wondered up and down various isles it was a weird mix of traditional crafts and clothing, fruit and veg and modern clothes and technical stuffs. It was strangely enchanting. Unlike other markets I have been to, no one grabbed me, or tried to make me buy stuff. Again, more chilled!

I got to the square, which in reality was only a slightly grander version I had seen in many of the small villages. A church, a government building, a statue in the middle, palm trees and benches around. Very pretty.

Whilst out I dived into a chemist, mimed aching stomach and pointed out my midge bites. I think I got the Ecuador equivalent of Imodium and some antibiotic, anti-inflammatory cream. Result! The main aims were almost accomplished. On the way back, I also picked up some supplies for the days ahead, hoping I would have space in my diminished carrying load.

A friend pointed out that one of the pics I took this morning was of a dog, and given how much I rail against dogs, the question was posed... am I going soft??

I replied that this dog was the only one in the entirety of Ecuador that hadn't't barked, growled, chased or glared at me.... but shhhh yes, I have a soft spot for husky dogs.

I crawled back to the hotel, a bit tired after the outing and holed up again until I decided to test the water, with pizza. Perhaps not the wisest choice but it was going to kill or cure. The pizza was good, the results not yet in!

I am looking forward to getting back out there... specifically away from the noise and traffic of human habitation. Unless the pizza totally kills me, SPOT will be on the move again tomorrow.



  1. Glad you liked Otavalo. Special dog! xx

  2. I liked it so much I barely got out of it today!!

  3. It really is a lovely city. Mum and I spent 3 days there. Spent a fortune in the market, but had great fun. Hopefully you will be better tomorrow and be able to carry on, but be careful going out under the weather. You may feel fine sitting in your hotel room, and then totally losing all your energy when you have been going for an hour or so. Hope that will not be the case. Keep the faith. Love Dad. xx


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