What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?
Picking clothes for this weekend was a terrible task. I had to pack for a massive hike, a decent walk and a little bike ride. The weather forecast was changing by the second and I had no real clue as to wether I would need shorts or full winter kit. So I took everything. Added to the clothes was all my bike kit, enough food to feed an army and all the charity kit. Top that off with my bike on the back and the car was groaning as I wound my way up the winding roads to Bethesda. The journey was punctuated with brief periods of a clear sky but on the main it was like driving through a tropical deluge. No one had sent me the memo about building an Ark and as I headed into Wales, with all the rivers I passed bursting their banks, and waterfalls making new routes down the cliffs at the side of the roads, I was very glad I had packed all my waterproofs and lots of pairs of warm socks. The cloud was so low it touched the road at times and as I approached Snowdonia, none of the peaks with w...