The difficulty of transporting a bike
One of the big considerations about doing a bike challenge is how to get your bike from your home country to the country where you are doing the ride and more importantly how are you going to get it back. This may sound simple... and it may be simple, if you are driving to your destination or taking a train. But when you throw in air travel... things take a turn for the complicated. Bikes are generally designated 'sports equipment' and on many airlines that means a hefty charge or oversized baggage fee. How much your bike weighs may be the difference between a £50 and £150 charge! Some airlines (thank you United) include it in your checked in allowance meaning that if you are economical ( saw off toothbrush handles, take no spare clothes etc) then bike and kit will make it in without an extra fee. Aside from the expense though there is a far bigger problem.... what to put your bike in??? If you like your bike and want it to get to the other side injury free then this is ...