A few weeks ago Bikepacker UK kindly wrote a post about me entitled 'A not so Rookie rider'. ( the post can be found at http://bikepackeruk.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/a-not-so-rookie-rider.html?m=1) So firstly a big thank you to them for the shout out and please check out their page if you can and give it a 'like'! But it got me to thinking... a lot and with 2 weeks till the Grand Depart (GD) of the Tour Divide (TD) and 4 weeks till I fly out and chase the other riders down the trail .. I am probably overthinking. A friend (who also happens to be riding the TD .. only on the GD) said that he underestimates the difficulties and overestimates his ability .. which is what got him into this CraZy ride to start with and I wonder if a) Im guilty of that too and b) does it matter (there goes the overestimating again). As Bikepacker UK rightly pointed out... im not a Rookie to this long distance thing. All my rides have been self supported and I have always carried all my kit......