95 RPM
Im currently sitting on my sofa... its 01:45... and it's also Day 0... D-day... Ive been up now for around 18 hours having had next to no sleep the entire weekend and Im totally wired Sentences form in my brain which dont make sense when I utter them aloud.... half thoughts that have fractured in my head floating round... This day has been over two years in the making. With not much else to do but think as I peddalled from Chicago to L.A.. the seed was sown ... plans have been made.. and now is the time for action. Dream... Plan... Do. Events in my life have conspired in the last few months to feel lost... without direction or purpose.. everything shattered into pieces. A feeling with which I am not comfortable with and that unsettles me further... kinda like a snowball starting at the top of a mountain and gaining momentum as it rolls down the slopes... picking up more disquiet as it goes and hightening the lost feeling. This is where it stops... Cycling a challenge...